Sunday, March 23, 2008


Elections are coming soon, and this is the time for change. Please I’m begging to all you who can vote. Vote for the right person VOTE FOR KUWAIT. Our country is ready to go forward and it’s up to you to make this happen.

Monday, March 17, 2008


So I don’t know where to start I have been thinking and thinking what is wrong with Kuwait?
And I came up with the answer! It’s the taking over of our country by the Islamists!! We are an Islamic country and were Muslims. Everything was going good in the early years of Kuwait, but ever since they started coming and taking power that’s when things started declining what good did they bring? What improved? NOTHING!!! But their smart what they’re doing is brainwashing our people, they are scaring us with religion putting more and more rules upon us THIS HAS TO STOP. They are taking us back to the cave ages, why? I do not know. So instead of thinking of our countries problems and the future they are bringing up issues of banning the name of the Sunflower because it translates to (worshipper of the sun) come on! What about the future of our oil, it won’t last. Kuwait is going to reach peak oil. We are not ready for the decline, 95% of our income is oil we should have had a major plan to diversify. But no it’s more important to segregate private schools. Oh what about the stickers boycotting the Netherlands I understand that. Have you seen the new ones? Stickers banning the E.U., drive around see how many people stuck those stickers ON THEIR EUROPEN CARS! We people should come together and fight this and fight it with all we’ve got we do not want to end up like our neighbors to the east or west.

Monday, March 10, 2008

First Entry

I just created the account it took me about 2 hours. Im kinda slow with computers so bear with me.